Health benefits of mango leaves

The health benefits and uses of mango leaves, mangoes are nicknamed the king of fruits and are well known for their delicious flavor but can you imagine that mango leaves also have some fantastic medicinal properties and health benefits for the human body?

 we will explore 20 facts and Health benefits of mango leaves and explain how to use them at home

1 diabetes

the tender leaves of the mango tree are steeped in hot water to make tea for those with diabetes the liquid within the leaves contains tannins which help the body regulate its glucose and insulin levels and aid in keeping blood sugar stable it also contains many other anti-inflammatory agents which can protect the eyes and other parts of the body from free radical damage which comes with diabetes

2 blood pressure

 mango leaves also have hypotensive properties and can aid in lowering high blood pressure active compounds help to strengthen the blood vessels and allow for better blood flow around the body mango leaf tea also has a relaxing effect on the nervous system which also helps to regulate blood pressure

3 respiratory problems

 those who suffer from a cold bronchitis asthma or flu infection may consider drinking a mango leaf decoction in water with a little honey.

4 helps to open the Airways for better breathing

due to the antioxidants it contains this is helpful to relieve sinus congestion coughing and mucus for hair growth in many countries the leaves of the mango tree are used to make bullsháá mousse and conditioners they contain phytochemicals that help to clean the scalp and hair follicles to strengthen them to prevent breakage

5 kidney stones

dried mango leaves can be ground into a fine powder and preserved as a kidney stone remedy simply adding a teaspoon in a glass of water in the morning can help to flush the kidneys to break up and release kidney stones this also has a diuretic effect which may make you urinate more often

 6 antibacterial

 mango leaf tinctures can be dripped under the tongue to reduce pain and inflammation in the body the leaves have been shown to help destroy harmful bacteria in the body such as bacillus subtilis Staphylococcus Albus and Vibrio cholerae polyphenols found naturally in these leaves help to heal the body and get rid of chronic pain and swelling

7 earache

if you suffer from ear aches or pain then you may be surprised to know that there are many simple herbal remedies to relieve this problem fresh mango leaf juice can be heated slightly and dripped into the ear this clears up ear infections and helps to break down hard wax.

 8 antiviral

mango leaf tea can help to prevent cold sores from spreading from person to person and may also be useful in treating other viral infections its natural compounds inhibit the replication of HSV-1 and hsv-2 herpes viruses it may also help to slow the spread of HIV through the body however is not a permanent cure

 9 teeth

 you can mash mango leaves into a paste and use an all-natural toothpaste it’s bitter chlorophyll helps to destroy bacteria on the teeth reducing tartar and plaque this can also lower inflammation in the gums and make them less likely to bleed when you brush

10 fights parasites

mango leaves are sometimes used to purify water which may contain parasites studies show that a natural compound called Magna Ferren in the leaves destroys Cryptosporidium parvum a parasite often found in contaminated water

11 treats diarrhea

mango leaf tea or juice can help to settle a stomach if you are suffering with diarrhea the anti-inflammatory compounds reduce gas and bloating and of the best natural anti-diarrheal remedies simply drinking the liquid three times per day acts as a stomach tonic and helps to flush out toxins in the digestive system

12 weight loss

 if you are a little overweight consider drinking mango leaf tea daily for a week to help speed up weight loss drinking this aids digestion has added support for a healthy diet or weight loss regime

13 immune support

if you catch infections often or have an autoimmune disease then this drink can help the magnifier in compound has been shown to boost glutathione levels in the body but this is the master antioxidant that helps to strengthen your immunity and modulate the entire immune system this may also help those suffering with cancer but currently more scientific research is required

14 allergies

the bark stem and leaves of the mango tree have been shown to reduce allergic reactions in studies performed on mice this suggests that the mango leaf extract can be used to treat certain allergy disorders such as hay fever irritated skin and other issues in some cultures.

15 treatments for sore throat

 the dried leaves are simply burned to allow you to inhale a little smoke this has been said to cure a sore throat very quickly as the aromatic compounds help to reduce inflammation in the throat, for further health benefits of mango leaves click here.

16 varicose veins

those with varicose veins can also drink this tea every once in a while to improve blood flow and reduce symptoms of varicose veins, especially in the legs

17 mango leaf tea

the most common way to use mango leaves is by harvesting tender leaves from the mango tree and steeping in hot water to make a herb leaf tea.

18 infusion is a healthier option

all teams be sure to wash and clean the leaves before doing this to make sure that they do not have any dirt on them a team infusion a healthier option is to soak the leaves in cold water in the refrigerator overnight to make a mango leaf infusion this water is more powerful as it has not been heated

19 nutrients

mango leaves are rich in vitamin C B and beta-carotene they are also rich in flavonoids polyphenols and compounds which give the leaves their potent medicinal properties

20 caution

some people are allergic to mango leaves as they contain an oil called Arushi all some people may experience a mild rash however others could experience a severe allergic reaction characterized by sore throat swelling and changes to blood pressure before using herbal medicines at home be sure to consult a doctor or herbal practitioner these professionals will ensure that you are using the correct amounts for your body and health condition as you can see mango leaves have some fantastic health benefits and medicinal properties for the human body especially for diabetic patients to learn more about herbal remedies and nutrition.I wish you great health wealth and happiness. How to make freeze-dried fruit.

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